According to the United States Census Bureau, out of all the businesses in the U.S., ranging from Health care and social assistance, to Real estate, leasing and rental services, Hispanics own 3.3 million of the 27.6 million businesses. The Status of Women Data, in 2013 showed data that demonstrated that Hispanic women ranked at the lowest percentage, 8.9%, in Management, Business and Financial occupations. Asian women held 15.8%, followed by White women that held 15.0%. Hispanic women held the highest percentage of 32.3% in Service relating occupations. Serving occupations can often be seen as housekeeping, nursing, or cleaning.
This graph shows the average full-time, year-round, Median Annual earnings by Race and Ethnicity of Women in 2013. Hispanic women were the lowest earning, at $28,000, following right after Native American women.